CERN Prototype

Revision as of 17:00, 26 February 2015 by MaximPotekhin (talk | contribs)
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Select Documents and Meetings

  • 2015
    • DocDB 10385: Brief review of Computing Requirements for the test

Data Volume

Initial estimates are based on slide 9 in DocDB 9993.

name type example comment
Basic Parameters (types pre-defined by SAM schema)
file_type extenum raw35t,log indicates category of use, any application that can read files of a given file_type should be able to read all such files. file_type is different than file_format
file_format extenum rawdaq, dk2nu, detsim defines the lowevel format (eg, ASCII, ROOT) and the general schema which the content follows
runs list(3-tuple) [(100,2,"label"),] Following SAM requirements the 3-tuple holds: (run-number, subrun-number, "label"). TBD: specify expectation for label. Note, this is a list; a given file may have multiple run/subrun numbers associated.
Schema Extensions (parameters not directly defined by SAM)
file_format_version verstr 1.0, 1.1 See DocDB #9888 section 3.2 for a recommended interpretation of version numbers