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Plans to update the reconstruction model are described in a [http://lbne2-docdb.fnal.gov:8080/cgi-bin/RetrieveFile?docid=10187&filename=20150112-Petrillo.pdf&version=3 talk by Gianluca].
Plans to update the reconstruction model are described in a [http://lbne2-docdb.fnal.gov:8080/cgi-bin/RetrieveFile?docid=10187&filename=20150112-Petrillo.pdf&version=3 talk by Gianluca].
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Revision as of 14:57, 14 April 2015

This page documents D. Adams attempts to understand the LBNE EDM (event data model), i.e. the classes describing the data share by modules via the event data store and written to event data files.


The following table lists the EDM clases used in the simulation.

Class Location Description
MCTruth $NUTOOLS_INC/SimulationBase ID, PDG ID, status code and starting and ending position and momentum for each input MC particle
MCParticle $NUTOOLS_INC/SimulationBase ID, PDG ID, status code and starting and ending positions and momenta for each MC particle
SimChannel $LARSIM_INC/Simulation Energy deposited by each MC particle in the volume for each readout channel


The following table lists the EDM classes used in the reconstruction.

Class Location Description
RawDigit $LARDATA_INC/RawData Raw (convoluted) ADC signals in time slices. Unpack with raw::Decompress in RawData/raw.h
Wire $LARDATA_INC/RecoBase Deconvoluted signal for each channel.
Hit $LARDATA_INC/RecoBase Peaks on wire signals.
Cluster $LARDATA_INC/RecoBase Associated hits in a TPC plane, i.e. 2D tracks. The list of hits is stored as an association.

Plans to update the reconstruction model are described in a talk by Gianluca.

Code browsing

LarSoft repositories

larsoft LXR
larcore LXR
lardata LXR
larevt LXR
larsim LXR
lardata LXR
larreco LXR
larana LXR