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The first three arguments are the directory where the products are to be installed, the OS specifier and the product name and version. The last two are the UPS qualifier and compiler optimization level (prof is nearly optimized but retains the code line numbers). The available OS, qualifiers and optimizations for given release may be deduced from the list of manifests found in the manifest directory for the desired dune release in the [http://scisoft.fnal.gov/scisoft/bundles/dune dune bundle listing].
The first three arguments are the directory where the products are to be installed, the OS specifier and the product name and version. The last two are the UPS qualifier and compiler optimization level (prof is nearly optimized but retains the code line numbers). The available OS, qualifiers and optimizations for given release may be deduced from the list of manifests found in the manifest directory for the desired dune release in the [http://scisoft.fnal.gov/scisoft/bundles/dune dune bundle listing].
Tar files for individual package versions (including dunetpc) may be downloaded from the [http://scisoft.fnal.gov/scisoft/packages SciSoft product area]. To install a product, simply untar these in the local products area, e.g.
Tar files for individual product versions (including dunetpc) may also be downloaded directly from the [http://scisoft.fnal.gov/scisoft/packages SciSoft product area]. To install a product, simply untar these in the local products area, e.g.

Revision as of 13:03, 2 September 2015


This page describes recent releases of DUNE software for simulation and reconstruction of event data from the LAr TPCs and associated photon and muon detectors. The software is released in the dunetpc package. Earlier releases in the lbnecode package are described on this page.

      • This page was copied from the lbnecode page and is currently under construction. ***

Finding and downloading DUNE releases

Releases of dunetpc (and other DUNE products) are installed at FNAL at


and on CVMFS at


A release and all its dependencies may be installed on any machine using the pullProducts command:

./pullProducts ~/ups slf6 dune-v04_21_00 e7 prof

The first three arguments are the directory where the products are to be installed, the OS specifier and the product name and version. The last two are the UPS qualifier and compiler optimization level (prof is nearly optimized but retains the code line numbers). The available OS, qualifiers and optimizations for given release may be deduced from the list of manifests found in the manifest directory for the desired dune release in the dune bundle listing.

Tar files for individual product versions (including dunetpc) may also be downloaded directly from the SciSoft product area. To install a product, simply untar these in the local products area, e.g.

cd ~/ups
tar xf ~/Downloads/lbnecode-04.20.00-slf6-x86_64-e7-prof.tar.bz2

Using DUNE releases

Scripts to set up the FNAL and CVMFS releases are provided, e.g. for the FNAL installation:

 source /grid/fermiapp/products/dune/setup_dune.sh

A similar file for CVMFS will be added soon. These are not complicated can be used as a template for setting up a local installation. The latter will be even simpler if all products are installed in the same directory, e.g. at $PRODUCTS.

Building and installing lbnecode releases

Build and installation instruction may be found on the Redmine CVMFS page. In particular, this page has the instructions for synchronizing the CVMFS releases with those in the FNAL grid area.

The code I (D. Adams) use to build releases is dune-larrel.

To install in FNAL grid area:

ssh dune@lbnegpvm03.fnal.gov
cd /grid/fermiapp/products/dune
tar xf /afs/fnal.gov/files/home/room1/dladams/reltars/dunecode-04.20.00-slf6-x86_64-e7-prof.tar.bz2

To synchronize the CVMFS area with the grid area:

voms-proxy-init -noregen -voms lbne:/lbne/Role=Analysis
ssh -l cvmfsdune oasiscfs02.fnal.gov
dune-sync dune/dunetpc

Replace dunetpc with dune_pardata, duneutil or lbne_raw_data to update any of those products. The script dune-sync is installed on the oasis server and may also be found at https://github.com/dladams/dune-larrel/blob/master/dune-sync.

Each synchronization generates a log in $HOME/logs and a CVMFS server tag. Periodically remove these. The tags may be listed with

cvmfs_server tag dune.opensciencegrid.org

and tags removed with

cvmfs_server tag -r TAG dune.opensciencegrid.org

To copy a tar file to SciSoft:

 copyToSciSoft /afs/fnal.gov/files/home/room1/dladams/reltars/dunecode-04.20.00-slf6-x86_64-e6-prof.tar.bz2

The command script may be found at /afs/fnal.gov/files/home/room1/dladams/bin/copyToSciSoft or http://scisoft.fnal.gov/scisoft/bundles/tools/copyToSciSoft.

More information

Instructions for running and building lbnecode and larsoft at FNAL using mrb, git, etc. my be found here.

A package intended to simplify these procedure and allow running and development at other sites is lbne-dev.

The DUNE LArSoft-based SW lbnecode may be downloaded from on SciSoft. It may browsed using Redmine.

LArSoft is documented on the LArSoft wiki. See the Getting LArSoft link on that page for instructions on downloading LArSoft from scisoft or accessing it via CVMFS. For issues, follow the menu links "Issues" or "New issue" on the LArSoft Redmine page. Questions about LArSoft may be directed to the LArSoft mailing list.

Art code may be browsed with Redmine or LXR. Also, see the art workbook.

The art instructions for cmake are described in redmine. Upd-to-date instructions may be found at the top of $ART_DIR/Modules/ArtMake.cmake and friends

The qualifiers used to specify compilers and other products are described here.

Here are tagging instructions for uBooNE

LBNE 35-ton Data Model and Reconstruction

DUNE and LarSoft geometry

LBNE code repositories and their browsers

Many files are needed to create a new package. The mrb newProduct command can be used to create the skeleton for a new package. See the mrb reference guide.

Units are cm and ns (Tom, January 2015).

LBNE jobs may be submitted using the package lbneutil described in a talk by Tingjun.

LBNE geometries are summarized here.

The reconstruction used in the 35-ton simulation is specified in lbnecode/source/fcl/lbne35t/reco/standard_reco_lbne35t.fcl.

The 35-ton MC data samples are described here.

For information about the GENIE event generator, see the 2015 users's manual (2010 user's manual) and the developer's manual.

Debugging DUNE far detector SW
